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Animal Bioscience Submission Checklist for Authors

Please be sure to read the Instructions for Authors at the Animal Bioscience (AB) website (http://www.animbiosci.org). Also use the following checklist to ensure that all necessary actions have been completed and that all required items have been included before manuscript submission.

  1. Read and check all specifications described in AB Instructions for Authors.
  2. Manuscript should be prepared according to AB styles and formats.
  3. Be sure to include a separate title page with full contact addresses of corresponding author(s) and ORCID number of all authors.
  4. All coauthors read and signed in person AB Author Declaration Form (attached)
  5. Include a list of recommended reviewers (optional); Please avoid recommending reviewers from the same country and who may have conflict of interest with any of coauthors.
  6. Copy of certificate for English editing service, if any (optional)
  7. Information of a preprint (DOI, licensing) should be given in the title page. It is mandatory for the manuscript submitted to the preprint journals.

Animal Bioscience Author Declaration Form

Title of Manuscript __________________________________________________________________________

Corresponding Author Name /E-mail ___________________________________________________________

In order to publish your article in AB, authors are requested to sign on the following statement form. Please read statements and check all check boxes.

1. Author Responsibility  

  • All authors have seen and approved the content of the submitted manuscript.
  • The article presents original work not previously published in similar form and not currently under consideration by another Journal.
  • If the article contains material (data or information in any other form) that is the intellectual property and copyright of any person(s) other than the author(s), then permission of the copyright owner(s) to publish that material has been obtained, and is clearly identified and acknowledged in the text of the paper.
  • The authors followed AB ethics guidelines.
  • See the Authorship Policy in Instructions for Authors.

2. Publication Fee  
Corresponding author (or one of coauthors) will be responsible for the publication fee (see AB article processing charge in Instruction for Authors).

3. Author Contributions  
Please indicate the specific contributions made by each author (list the authors’ initials, e.g., JKH).

  • Conception and design of study: _________________________________________________________
  • Acquisition of data: ____________________________________________________________________
  • Analysis and/or interpretation of data: ____________________________________________________
  • Drafting the manuscript: _______________________________________________________________
  • Critical review/revision: ________________________________________________________________
  • Others: ______________________________________________________________________________

4. Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest  
Please check A or B.

□ A. We/I do not have and have not had a financial interest or other relationships in which the individual benefits by receiving a salary, royalty, intellectual property rights, consulting fee, honoraria, ownership interest or other financial benefit.

□ B. We/I have or have had a financial interest or other relationships in which the individual benefits by receiving a salary, royalty, intellectual property rights, consulting fee, honoraria, ownership interest or other financial benefit. Please specify and list the manufacturers and/or service providers with whom you have a financial relationship, and describe the condition of your relationship.

5. Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approval  
All animal experiments should be reviewed by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of similar committees of the organization at which the experiment was carried out and APPROVA L NUMBER of your IACUC should be indicated in the first part of Materials & Methods section

Please provide approval number: __________________________________

6. Copyright Transfer Agreement  
In the occasion of the final acceptance of this manuscript, the authors of the article hereby agree that the Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies hold s the copyright on all materials and the right to publish, transmit, sell and distribute them in the journal or other media.

* All authors must sign in person;

Name of Author



































Impact Factor: 2.4(Q1)
SJR: 0.633
(Q1 in Animal Sci
/ Vet Sci
Print ISSN: 2765-0189
Online ISSN: 2765-0235

Editorial Office
Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies(AAAP)
Room 708 Sammo Sporex, 23, Sillim-ro 59-gil, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 08776, Korea   
TEL : +82-2-888-6558    FAX : +82-2-888-6559   
E-mail : editor@animbiosci.org               

Copyright © 2025 by Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies.

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