Effect of feed restriction on the maintenance energy requirement of broiler breeders
Guilherme Ferreira da Silva Teofilo (Teofilo GFdS), Rony Riveros Lizana (Lizana RR), Rosiane de Souza Camargos (Camargos RdS), Bruno Balbino Leme (Leme BB), Freddy Alexander Horna Morillo (Morillo FAH), Raully Lucas Silva (Silva RL), João Batista Kochenborger Fernandes (Fernandes JBK), Nilva Kazue Sakomura (Sakomura NK)
Anim Biosci. 2022;35(5):690-697.   Published online 2021 Oct 29     DOI: https://doi.org/10.5713/ab.21.0183
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