Antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs) have been perennially used in animal production to prevent or reduce diseases; and to improve performance. However, due to food safety concerns; and the transmission of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains along the food chain, AGPs have since been banned in various jurisdictions [
1]. The withdrawal of AGPs has negatively led to higher disease incidences and increased production costs. Recent research has therefore been focused on a variety of AGP alternatives collectively called nutraceuticals, with the potential to improve productive parameters and animal health [
1]. Alongside other interventions, dietary probiotics have been investigated as one of the AGP alternatives.
Probiotics are non-pathogenic, live microbial feed supple ments that exert health and productive benefits to the host when supplied in adequate amounts. Several probiotic bacteria have been used including
Streptococcus, and
Enterococcus [
3]. Probiotic microbes should adhere to the epithelium, survive, and proliferate in the prevailing acidic environment in the gut; and remain viable under storage, processing, and transportation conditions [
5]. Although the probiotic mode of action is complex and occurs by multiple pathways, it is suggested that through competitive exclusion and antagonism towards pathogenic bacteria, probiotics improve and maintain the host’s intestinal microbial balance thus, preventing dysbiosis [
6]. Improved microbial diversity and balance is reported to enhance the colonization resistance against stressors; catalyze immune responses; promote the integrity of the gut architecture; and improve performance indices such as growth and laying rate for broilers and layers, respectively [
Considering probiotic supplementation for layers, several bacterial strains including
Enterococcus, and
Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been reported to result in the modulation of intestinal microbial populations, higher laying performance, and improved egg quality [
9]. Suggesting probiotic involvement in mineral absorption and bone mineralization, increased tibia density, ash, and P contents have been reported with the supplemental
Bacillus species [
11]. Conversely, supplemental multi-strain probiotics containing
Bacillus subtilis and
Bacillus licheniformis, Mahdavi et al [
12] reported no significant improvements in the laying performance and egg quality. The observed variabilities are attributed to several factors including, but not limited to, differences in the type of microbial species used, the dosage of administration, method of administration, environmental stress, and diet composition [
Due to the strain and/or species specificity of probiotics, and thus the variable responses upon supplementation, there is an ever-present need to evaluate novel probiotic products and other AGP alternatives for their effects on animal health and performance especially under the current requirements of AGP-free production. The current study examined the effect of supplementing different probiotic inclusion levels (3×108 or 3×109 colony-forming unit [CFU]/kg of feed) on: i) productive performance, ii) egg quality, iii) intestinal microbiota, and iv) tibia traits of laying hens. The test probiotic product is a mixed culture of Bacillus subtilis PB6, Bacillus subtilis FXA, and Bacillus licheniformis G3. It was reasoned that the multi-strain Bacillus-based probiotic would improve the productive performance and egg quality of layers. It was further expected that the probiotic would improve the populations of intestinal bacteria groups that are considered beneficial; and exert a positive influence on the mechanism behind bone mineralization and mineral absorption by improving the tibia traits. The possibility of incremental probiotic effects at higher inclusion levels was also examined.
Research on potential AGP alternatives is essential to alleviate food safety concerns and the emergence of resistant bacterial strains with the use of AGPs in animal feeding. Additionally, the subsequent bans across various jurisdictions on the use of AGPs in animal nutrition have led to increased production costs and disease incidences. The use of probiotics as potential AGP alternatives is well-appreciated in literature and practice [
2]. The safe use of probiotic bacteria is in the requirement to be innate to the gastrointestinal tract; hence the microbes can attach to the intestinal epithelium, survive, and proliferate under the prevailing acidic gut conditions [
16]. Being innate to the gut, commonly-used probiotic bacteria are generally considered to be safe, non-pathogenic, and non-infective, even when supplemented at higher doses [
17]. Probiotics have been reported to improve feed intake and utilization; stimulate immune response; and promote mucosal integrity [
6]. These benefits contribute to improved gut health, i.e., the general presence of a stable and coordinated interaction between the diet, commensal microbiome, intestinal mucosa, and immune system in a symbiotic equilibrium that allows the gut to perform physiological functions, self-regulate, and withstand stressors [
18]. Specifically, the efficacy of supplemental
Bacillus subtilis PB6,
Bacillus subtilis FXA, and
Bacillus licheniformis G3 to increase the productive performance and egg quality; modulate the mechanism behind mineral absorption and bone mineralization; and improve the intestinal microbial balance of layers was investigated at two different levels.
Considering the productive performance, supplemental
Bacillus subtilis PB6,
Bacillus subtilis FXA, and
Bacillus licheniformis G3 resulted in modest improvements in some measured parameters including egg weight, egg mass, and feed intake. Mahdavi et al [
12] reported that a multi-strain probiotic containing
Bacillus subtilis and
Bacillus licheniformis did not improve parameters of productive performance including egg mass, weight, feed intake, and FCRs. Conversely, Ribeiro et al [
19] and Abdelqader et al [
15] reported the capacity of
Bacillus subtilis to improve several productive performance metrics including egg production, egg mass, egg weight, and FCRs. The observed variabilities in the productive performance are not uncommon and are attributed to several factors including but not limited to, the differences in the type of microbial species used, the dosage of administration, diet composition, breed type, age of birds, and length of feeding [
13]. Notably, the current values on productive performance parameters including HDEP and egg weights were relatively comparable to the expected standard values of the breed at the evaluated period of 25 to 37 weeks of age [
20]. It is probable that with the increased focus on animal welfare using enriched cages at the appropriate stocking density; and the feeding of adequate diets, the hens were able to maintain the high productive performance that was recorded across the three experimental groups in the current study. The observation of modest probiotic-induced improvements in some parameters of productive performance could warrant further investigation beyond the current test period of 25 to 37 weeks of age into the late laying period.
Subject to improved nutrient utilization, the capacity of dietary probiotics to improve the internal egg and eggshell quality is well reported [
21]. Concomitantly, the supplementation of
Bacillus subtilis PB6,
Bacillus subtilis FXA, and
Bacillus licheniformis G3 in the current study improved the egg-breaking strength; yolk color intensity, and percentages; shell color and thickness; albumen height, and Haugh units. On the contrary, non-significant improvements in the internal egg and eggshell quality with probiotics containing several bacterial cultures have also been reported [
22]. It is reasonable that the previously enumerated factors by Mikulski et al [
13] contributed to the observed discrepancies. The observed discrepancies stress the species and/or strain specificity of probiotic bacteria and the need for constant evaluation of novel probiotic products. As a measure of albumen quality, Haugh units are a function of the albumen height and the egg weight. The observed improvements in the albumen heights and the resulting Haugh units point to the influence of direct fed microbials in increasing protein synthesis and water transfer from the yolk [
21]. Notably, the recorded egg weights were not significantly improved with dietary probiotics. The inconsistency in terms of the significantly improved Haugh units, but unaffected egg weights with dietary probiotics could be explained by the high heritability of egg weights as a phenotypic trait [
23]. Thus, it was not surprising that the egg weights were relatively comparable to the expected values of the breed and age [
Furthermore, improved egg-breaking strength is associated with thicker eggshells subject to supplemental
Bacillus subtilis PB6,
Bacillus subtilis FXA, and
Bacillus licheniformis G3. As supported by previous studies using
Bacillus subtilis cultures [
24], the current improvements allude to a probiotic involvement in the absorption and utilization process of calcium and phosphorous to promote the overall eggshell quality. Apart from being a major determinant of consumer preference for table eggs, the darker eggshell colors that were noted in the current study are positively correlated to the improved breaking strength and eggshell thickness of the probiotic-supplemented birds; and could also point to improved photoantimicrobial defense against desiccation-resistant gram-positive bacteria as reported elsewhere [
25]. Additionally, probiotic-induced improvements were noticed with much more concentrated egg yolk colors. These improvements could be attributed to a possible increase in the mobilization of lipid-soluble pigments including xanthophylls [
Suggesting further evidence of potential intervention in lipid metabolism, significant linear reductions in egg yolk cholesterol were observed with supplemental
Bacillus subtilis PB6,
Bacillus subtilis FXA, and
Bacillus licheniformis G3. Previous studies have similarly reported the probiotic-induced lowering effect on yolk cholesterol [
24]; and serum cholesterol [
28]. Souza et al [
29] reported lowered serum cholesterol levels using chromium propionate and a similar strain of
Bacillus subtilis PB6 that was utilized in the current study. The probiotic-lowering effect on cholesterol is attributed to an improved internal environment for the proliferation of lactic acid bacteria (LAB); as supported by the current results on cecal bacterial counts showing improved
Lactobacillus counts. It is reasonable that increased
Lactobacillus populations exhibit an equally higher microbial bile salt deconjugating capacity that enhances the production of free bile salts through the action of bile salt hydrolase [
27]. Free bile salts are known to co-precipitate cholesterol at lower pH values, and are less soluble in the small intestine thus, the salts are easily eliminated through fecal excretion [
30]. Therefore, the elimination of cholesterol as a co-precipitate during the fecal excretion of bile salts reduces its availability for mobilization into the yolk. The excretion process additionally prevents bile salts from acting as precursors in cholesterol synthesis; more cholesterol will then be consequently directed towards de-novo bile acid synthesis, hence the lowered serum and yolk cholesterol levels that have been reported [
31]. Additionally, it is plausible that enhanced LAB populations exhibit an equally improved assimilation capacity for dietary cholesterol for their own metabolism. These mechanisms could be responsible for reducing yolk cholesterol.
Due to a lowered efficiency of absorbing and depositing Ca in the eggshell with the increase in egg weights as laying hens age, observations of reduced eggshell quality during later stages of production as represented by higher egg loss percentages; and lowered eggshell weight and thickness have been reported [
34]. Several interventions towards improved mineral absorption and bone mineralization have been investigated including dietary Ca supplementation [
35]. However, dietary Ca supplementation could negatively impact the bioavailability of phosphorous, magnesium, and other trace elements that are known to influence eggshell quality [
36]. Alternatively, a modulation of the mechanism behind mineral absorption and bone mineralization, that could result in higher calcium absorption improved eggshell quality [
11]. In the current study, the capacity of dietary probiotics to enhance tibia characteristics including ash, P, Ca, weight, length, volume, and density was investigated. Supplemental
Bacillus subtilis PB6,
Bacillus subtilis FXA, and
Bacillus licheniformis G3 significantly improved the tibia Ca, ash, weights, and density while marginally improving the analyzed tibia P content. Using several strains of
Bacillus spp, Mutuş et al [
10] and Abdelqader et al [
11] similarly reported improved tibia traits including weight, density, and ash. The improved tibia traits are associated with enhanced bone mineralization, subject to higher calcium and phosphorous retention with probiotic feeding [
7]. Using a multi-strain probiotic containing
Bacillus megaterium,
Bacillus subtilis,
Cupriavidus metallidurans, and
Bacillus safensis, Nkiambuo et al [
37], observed improved eggshell Ca and P levels. It is reasonable that improved mineral retention resultantly improves the overall eggshell quality as corroborated by the current results on improved eggshell thickness, shell color, and egg-breaking strength.
There is considerable evidence pointing to the modula tion of the gut barrier function with direct fed microbials, resulting in improved mineral retention [
38]. The hypothesis of improved gut barrier function is supported by the Lei et al [
21] study that examined some indicative biomarkers of intestinal mucosa damage and injury including serum diamine oxidase (DAO) and
D-lactate. They reported the capacity of supplemental
Bacillus licheniformis to reduce
D-lactate and serum DAO levels that are indicative of lowered intestinal injury and permeability; reduced gut barrier dysfunction; increased mucosal maturation; and enhanced membrane integrity [
39]. Furthermore, probiotics may be also capable of digesting carbohydrates to produce metabolites including organic acids such as propionic, butyric, and acetic acids that have a lowering effect on the gut pH [
31]. Lowered gut pH from the production of short-chain fatty acids and higher microbial populations (
Lactobacillus and
Bifidobacterium) creates a favorable acidic environment for the ionization of Ca and P, which is essential for mineral absorption [
24]. These mechanisms might explain the previous reports of increased Ca and P retention with probiotics [
37], as well as improved eggshell quality, higher tibiae Ca, and marginally improved P levels in the current study.
The role of the gut microbiota as an integral part of the gut health nexus alongside the diet, immune system, and intestinal mucosa, cannot be understated. Gut microbes engage in a variety of protective, structural, metabolic, and immune roles [
40]. Therefore, several cecal microbiota populations were analyzed to assess the efficacy of improved microbial balance with
Bacillus subtilis PB6,
Bacillus subtilis FXA, and
Bacillus licheniformis G3 supplementation. Significantly improved
Bifidobacterium and
Lactobacillus populations; as well as marginal reductions in
Clostridium populations were observed with probiotic feeding. Though not significant, it is important to note the numerical reductions in the counts of enteric
Enterococcus species in the probiotic-supplemented diets. The current results of improved cecal
Lactobacillus and
Bifidobacterium species agree with previous reports showing increased populations of beneficial bacteria and reduced counts of harmful bacteria with
Bacillus-based probiotics [
11]. Taken together, the improved levels of
Lactobacillus and
Bifidobacterium but reduced
Clostridium and
Enterococcus populations suggest the subtle manipulation of the intestinal environment for the desired probiotic colonization of beneficial intestinal microbiota through various mechanisms including, but not limited to, competitive exclusion [
5]. Increased populations of favorable intestinal microbiota; and the constant communication that exists between intestinal epithelium, gut microbiota, and the immune system are responsible for maintaining mucosal integrity, barrier function, and overall gut health [
4]. These interactions will ultimately facilitate the mobilization of nutrients for the improved tibia traits, and the internal egg and eggshell quality parameters that were observed in the current study.